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Property Owners

At Silver Screen Properties, we strive for unparalleled responsiveness so you can trust that your property is in good hands. Our comprehensive listing service and modern showing practices ensure vacancies are filled promptly and for the best price available. With our in-house maintenance team, expansive network of outside specialists and contractors and 24-hour contact center, your property will be well-cared for and even upgraded for increased value of your asset.




We deliver peace of mind for tenants, too. We offer flexible self-guided and in-person property tours, remote application and signing procedures, and easy tenant portal access for online payment and work order submission. Applications are processed quickly and we can coordinate quick move-ins so you aren’t left wondering where you will live next. See our available properties page for vacant units.


What We Offer

Full service property management tailored to your needs

In-House Maintenance Team

Full-time maintenance staff for faster, more cost-effective upkeep

Responsive Management Team

Prompt responses to your inquiries, concerns and needs

Comprehensive Bookkeeping

Detailed income and expense tracking in quarterly reports

Modern Technology Solutions

Sleek technology applications and integrations to modernize your investment

Property Upkeep

We oversee your property’s maintenance from the smallest repairs to large scale retrofits, structural updates and improvements

From quick clog-clears and broken blind replacements to seismic retrofits and from kitchen upgrades to technology advancements, we can help you accomplish it all for your property. We want to ensure you have not only the safest structure possible, but the most competitive features that renters are looking for so we can find you the best tenants and the best rents to maximize the return on your investment. With our network of contractors, we can guide your building to the growth it needs.

We have over:


Units Managed


Dollars of Assets Managed


Combined Years of Experience


Leases Signed

Customized Management Plan

Be as involved as you want with your property

Whether you just want someone to lease vacancies and collect rent or you want near complete freedom from thinking about your property, we are here to partner with you. We offer full service management but can scale our services up or down to fit your needs.

Services include:

  • preparation of vacancies
  • listing and showing market-ready units
  • rent collection through various methods, including our online tenant portal with credit, debit and echeck options
  • management of tenant concerns
  • move-out and security deposit refund procedures
  • evictions and lock-outs
  • housing and building inspections
  • recommendation and implementation of upgrades
  • income/expense bookkeeping with quarterly reports and yearly form and statement issuance
  • compliance with new and existing regulations and building codes
  • and more!


We have experience working with these partners and more

Section 8 Housing

Experience with all facets of many housing voucher programs

Butterfly MX Tech Integration

Implementation and management of secure controlled entry systems

Appfolio Rental Management

Top tier management system allows us to provide 24 hour emergency maintenance and electronic payment options

California Association of Realtors

Membership in the Realtors that in addition to access to legal professionally written documents, we pledge to hold ourselves to the highest ethical standard


Installation of EV charging systems and management of billing software


Experience navigating rent control, housing inspections, and the everchanging landscape of Los Angeles real estate regulations